
Capital Yer Bouti City
Government Monarchy*
Area 23,200 Km2
Population 1,943,000 est.
GDP total $3.6 Billion
per cap $3,600
Drives on Right (mostly)
*Last few years power reduced by a Western leaning Parliament of dubious credibility.
Yer Bouti is an enclave on the North Western African coast.
Somewhat of an oddity it is often overlooked or missed off completely from modern maps.
Sitting within what is now the Western Sahara (Greater Bouti) the enclave was used as a port in the 1700's but was never favored by the colonial powers at the time.
At that time the area was never seen as having that much to offer and was pasted over by Spain and most others.
Some mid east influence made its way to the area and surprisingly British from the late 1700's.
The Duke of Southend-on-sea sailing to the new World with many women on-board got lost and was shipwrecked. Many survived and stayed despite the harsh environment but they effected the local dialect, this hindered trade with the rest of region.
Displaced Sheikh's from the East and Essex girls from Southend with their wisdom left it's mark on the area.
Some say this held back development of Yer Bouti for hundreds of years.
Marginal land on a small coastal plain around an inlet.
Rugged almost impassable highlands in the North and desert to the East.
There is history of a Sheikhdom from 1820 until today ruled almost continuously by the Zappa Clan.
The general area is disputed by Moroccodom a member of the Commonwealth of Chrisdom.
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